Policy Gradient Methods


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The goal of this chapter is to discuss methods that optimize for policy directly, and not by acting greedily to a value function. The goal is to sample experience, and from that learn in which direction to move the policy to improve it. This will be done by considering the gradient of the policy.

For this, the policy will be parametrised by \(\theta\), so \(\pi_\theta(s, a) = \mathbb{P}\left[a |s, \theta\right]\). This could be, for example, a neural network that predicts the probability of actions given a certain state.

Now, it is possible to talk about more approaches to Reinforcement Learning.

  • Value Based

    The value function is learned, and there is an explicit policy

  • Policy Based

    The policy is learned, but there is no value function

  • Actor-Critic

    Both the value function and the policy are learned

The advantages over Policy-Based RL are the following: Better convergence properties, effective in high-dimensional/continuous action spaces, and can learn stochastic policies. However, there are also disadvantages. Evaluating a policy is typically inefficient and has high variance. Also, it usually converges to a local rather than a global optimum.

In POMDPs, a stochastic policy may be optimal in certain problems. But how to measure the quality of a policy? There are different options.

  1. Start value (Episodic environments, start state)

    \(J_1(\theta) = V^{\pi_\theta}(s_1) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta}\left[v_1\right]\). This means it is a measure of reward until the end of an episode with current parameters \(\theta\).

  2. Average value (Continuous environments)

    \(J_{avV}(\theta) = \sum_s d^{\pi_\theta}(s) V^{\pi_\theta}(s_1)\) where \(d^{\pi_\theta}(s)\) is the stationary distribution (probability of being in a state) of the Markov chain for \(\pi_\theta\). It is basically an averaged value over all states.

  3. Average reward per time-step

    \(J_{avR}(\theta) = \sum_s d^{\pi_\theta}(s) \sum_a \pi_\theta(s, a) R^a_s\). This is a weighted average over the possible immediate rewards for each state and action pair.

However, the policy gradient of all of these are the same. Policy-based RL is an optimization problem to find the \(\theta\) that maximizes \(J(\theta)\). Methods that do not use a gradient (e.g. Hill climbing) can be used. However, it is usually much more efficient to use gradients (e.g. Gradient Descent, Conjugate Gradient, Quasi-Newton).

Finite Difference Policy Gradient

Policy gradient algorithms search for a local maximum in \(J(\theta\)) by ascending the gradient with respect to \(\theta\). This can be represented by \(\Delta \theta = \alpha \nabla_\theta J(\theta)\).

Computing gradients by finite differences means to numerically compute them. For each dimension \(k \in \left[1, n\right]\), estimate the \(k\)-th partial derivative by numerical approximation. \(\frac{\delta J(\theta)}{\delta \theta_k} \approx \frac{J(\theta + \epsilon u_k) - J(\theta)}{\epsilon}\), where \(u_k\) is a unit vector with a 1 in the \(k\)-th component.

It is noisy and inefficient, but can sometimes be effective. An advantage is that it even works with non-differentiable policies.

Monte-Carlo Policy Gradient

The goal now is to compute the policy gradient analytically. Assume that \(\pi_\theta\) is differentiable when it is non-zero and gradient \(\nabla_\theta \pi_\theta(s, a)\) is known.

Likelihood Ratios exploit the identity

\[ \nabla_\theta \pi_\theta(s, a) = \pi_\theta(s, a) \frac{\nabla_\theta \pi_\theta(s, a)}{\pi_\theta(s, a)} = \pi_\theta(s, a) \nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) \]

Here, the score function is defined by \(\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a)\). This is useful, since it will make computing expectations much easier.

An example is the Softmax Policy \(\pi_\theta(s, a) \propto e^{x(s, a)^\intercal \theta}\). For this, the score function is \(\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) = x(s, a) - \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[x(s, .)\right]\).

Another one is a Gaussian Policy. These are common in continuous action spaces. Here, the mean is a linear combination of state features \(\mu(s) = x(s)^\intercal \theta\). The same can be done for the variance, with different parameters. Then, \(a \sim N(\mu(s), \sigma^2)\). The score function is \(\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) = \frac{(a - \mu(s))x(s)}{\sigma^2}\).

In terms of MDPs, the policy gradient can be derived in the following manner.

\[\begin{split} J(\theta) & = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a)\right]\\ & = \sum_{s \in S} d(s) \sum_{a \in A} \pi_\theta(s, a) Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a)\\ \nabla_\theta J(\theta) & = \sum_{s \in S} d(s) \sum_{a \in A} \pi_\theta (s, a) \nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a)\\ & = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a)\right]\end{split}\]

This is called the Policy Gradient Theorem. The theorem applies to all 3 of the previously discussed objective functions.

The algorithm for Monte-Carlo Policy Gradient (REINFORCE) uses the return \(G_t\) as an unbiased sample of \(Q^{\pi_\theta}(s_t, a_t)\) and this theorem to update the parameters using stochastic gradient descent.

	\caption{Monte-Carlo Policy Gradient (REINFORCE)}
		\REQUIRE $\theta$
		\FORALL{episodes $\{s_1, a_1, r_2, ..., s_{T-1}, a_{T-1}, r_T\} \sim \pi_\theta$}
			\FOR{$t \Leftarrow 1, ..., T-1$}
				\STATE $\theta \Leftarrow \theta + \alpha \nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s_t, a_t) G_t$
		\RETURN $\theta$

Actor-Critic Policy Gradient

The algorithms presented before are sadly slow and have a high variance. The following ideas are to speed of these algorithms and use a similar idea as before. To reduce this variance (but introduce some bias), the idea of function approximation can be re-used on the estimate of \(Q_w(s, a) \approx Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a)\).

The idea consists of two components

  • Actor: Update action-value function parameters \(w\)

  • Critic: Update policy parameters \(\theta\), in the direction of suggestion of the critic.

These algorithms follow an approximate policy gradient \(\nabla_\theta J(\theta) \approx \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) Q_w(s, a)\right]\).

The critic is solving the problem of policy evaluation. So, previously discussed methods can be applied for solving it. An example algorithm below is an Action-Value Actor-Critic with the critic using TD(0) for policy evaluation, and the actor using policy gradient.

		\REQUIRE $s$, $\theta$
		\STATE $a \sim \pi_\theta$
			\STATE $r \Leftarrow R^a_s, s' \sim P^a_s$
			\STATE $a' \sim \pi_\theta(s', a')$
			\STATE $\delta \Leftarrow r + \gamma Q_w(s', a') - Q_w(s, a)$
			\STATE $\theta \Leftarrow \theta + \alpha \nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) Q_w(s, a)$
			\STATE $w \Leftarrow w + \beta \delta x(s, a)$
			\STATE $s \Leftarrow s', a \Leftarrow a'$

Since there is bias, usually the algorithms will end up in a local optimum. However, if the approximation of the value function is chosen carefully, the policy gradient is exact. Compatible Function Approximation Theorem says that the policy gradient is exact (\(\nabla_\theta J(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) Q_w(s, a)\right])\), when two conditions are satisfied.

  1. \(\nabla_w Q_w(s, a) = \nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a)\) (value function approximator is compatible to the policy)

  2. \(\epsilon = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[(Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a) - Q_w(s, a)^2)\right]\) (value function parameters minimize the MSE)

To reduce the variance on the method, it is possible to subtract a baseline function \(B(s)\) from the policy gradient. This can reduce variance without affecting the expectation. The proof is as follows

\[\begin{split} \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a)B(s)\right] & = \sum_{s \in S} d^{\pi_\theta}(s) \sum_a \nabla_\theta \pi_\theta(s, a)B(s)\\ & = \sum_{s \in S} d^{\pi_\theta}(s) B(s) \nabla_\theta \sum_a \pi_\theta(s, a)\\ & = \sum_{s \in S} d^{\pi_\theta}(s) B(s) \nabla_\theta 1\\ & = 0\end{split}\]

So, as long as the baseline does not include the action, it will not modify the expectation. An example of a good baseline function is \(B(s) = V^{\pi_\theta}(s)\). The policy gradient can then be rewritten as the advantage function \(A^{\pi_\theta}(s, a) = Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a) - V^{\pi_\theta}(s)\). \(\nabla_\theta J(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a)A^{\pi_\theta}(s, a)\right]\). This can significantly reduce variance, since the advantage function is now the distance from the mean value of a state.

The critic is in charge of estimating both of these value functions. There are multiple ways to do this.

  • Using two separate parameter vectors:

    \(V_v(s) \approx V^{\pi_\theta}(s)\) and \(Q_w(s) \approx Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a)\). Then, \(A(s, a) = Q_w(s, a) - V_v(s)\).

  • Using the TD error

    The TD error for \(V^{\pi_\theta}(s)\) equals \(\delta^{\pi_\theta} = r + \gamma V^{\pi_\theta}(s') - V^{\pi_\theta}(s)\). Then,

    \[\begin{split} \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\delta^{\pi_\theta} |s, a\right] & = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[r + \gamma V^{\pi_\theta}(s') |s, a\right] - V^{\pi_\theta}(s)\\ & = Q^{\pi_\theta}(s, a) - V^{\pi_\theta}(s)\\ & = A^{\pi_\theta}(s, a)\end{split}\]

    So, the TD error can be used to compute the policy gradient. \(\nabla_\theta J(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a)\delta^{\pi_\theta}\right]\). In practice, \(\delta_v = r + \gamma V_v(s') - V_v(s)\) is used instead. This approach only requires one set of critic parameters \(v\).

The value function for the critic can be estimated at different time-scales, as seen in previous lectures. Ideas like MC , TD(0), and TD(\(\lambda\)) still work. The same thing holds for actors. Monte-Carlo policy gradient can be applied, as well as one-step TD for Actor-critic. In summary, this means the actor and critic’s choices of algorithms do not influence each other.

It is also possible to apply policy gradient with eligibility traces for TD(\(\lambda\)). \(\Delta \theta = \alpha (v_t^\lambda - V_v(s_t)) \nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s_t, a_t)\), where \(v_t^\lambda - V_v(s_t)\) is a biased estimate of the advantage function.

\[\begin{split} \delta & = r_{t+1} + \gamma V_v(s_{t+1}) - V_v(s_t)\\ e_{t+1} & = \lambda e_t + \nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a)\\ \Delta \theta & = \alpha \delta e_t\end{split}\]

Similar to prediction using TD(\(\lambda\)) with a value function approximation, the eligibility traces are defined for each parameter and updated using the scores it encounters. The gradient with respect to the parameters becomes \(\nabla_\theta J(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) \delta e\right]\).

Gradient ascent algorithms can follow any ascent direction. Following a good ascent direction can massively speed up convergence. Another problem is that a policy can often be re-parametrised without changing action probabilities. The vanilla gradient is sensitive to these re-parametrisation.

The benefit of the Natural Policy Gradient is that it is parametrisation independent. It finds the ascent direction that is closest to the vanilla gradient when changing the policy by a small fixed amount.

\[ \nabla^{nat}_\theta \pi_\theta(s, a) = G^{-1}_\theta \nabla_\theta \pi_\theta(s, a) \]

Here, \(G_\theta\) is the Fisher information matrix. \(G_\theta = \mathbb{E}_{\pi_\theta} \left[\nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a) \nabla_\theta \log \pi_\theta(s, a)^\intercal\right]\). Using compatible function approximation, \(\nabla_\theta^{nat} J(\theta) = w\). The actor parameters are updated in the direction of the critic parameters.