The Reinforcement Learning Problem
The Reinforcement Learning Problem¶
Please note that this notebook is still work in progress, hence some sections could behave unexpectedly, or provide incorrect information.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is an area of Machine Learning concerned with deciding on a sequence of actions in an unknown environment in order to maximize cumulative reward.
To give an idea of this, imagine you are somewhere in a 2d-maze. At each point, you can either move to the left, right, up or down. The goal is to find your way out of the maze. This corresponds to obtaining positive reward when completing the maze. Using Reinforcement Learning, you can figure out the optimal way to behave in this environment.
The Reinforcement Learning Problem¶
What makes reinforcement learning different from other machine learning paradigms?
There is no supervisor, only a reward signal
Feedback is delayed, not instantaneous
Time really matters (sequential, non i.i.d. data)
Agent’s actions affect the subsequent data it receives
Definition 1
The Reward Hypothesis states that all imaginable goals can be described by the maximization of an expected cumulative reward function.
Rewards function as scalar feedback signals. Reinforcement Learning is based on the Reward Hypothesis, which has been assumed to be true. Some problems can be difficult to solve, since actions can have long-term consequences and reward can be delayed.
Example 1
Imagine our goal is to train the best computer program at chess. What could a good reward function be defined as?
Reveal answer
There could be multiple correct answers (where some definitions of the reward function may lead to solving the problem more quickly than others). However, one example is giving a positive reward whenever the program wins a game. It will aim to maximize the cumulative reward, so over time it should get better at the game.
Example 2
Imagine you have built an agent that controls the way electricity is shipped to houses from a provider. Your goal is to save as much money as you can, by modifying the shipment procedure. As an AI engineer, you decide to define the reward function as punishing shipped electricity, hoping the agent would make the procedure more efficient by not shipping unwanted electricity.
Why may the design of this reward function not be the best idea?
Reveal answer
By punishing shipped electricity, there is a good chance that the agent will learn not to ship anything at all. This would maximize it’s cumulative reward.
How would you improve the reward function?
Reveal answer
There can be multiple correct answers, but one might define a reward function directly as the profit that has been earned by the procedure. This should then be maximize to the best of the agent’s abilities.
This was just a toy example, but the point here is that reward functions may have undesirable outcomes (that could, in some cases, have bad consequences). The definition of a good reward function may not be trivial in some situations.
Definition 2
A stochastic process \(\{X_t\}_{t \in T}\), with values \(X_0, X_1, \dotsc, X_T\) from \(t = 0\) until \(t = T\) is said to have the Markov Property, if and only if
Let \(S_t^a\) and \(S_t^e\) be the state of the agent and the environment at any time \(t\). If the environment is fully-observable, then \(S_t^a = S_t^e\). Reinforcement learning environments can be seen as stochastic processes \(\{S_t\}_{t \in T}\).
For an environment, having the Markov property means that, for all possible next states, the probability of obtaining that future state (\(S_{t+1}\)) solely depends on the current state (\(S_t\)), and not on any previous states (\(S_{t-1}, \dotsc, S_0\)). This property describes that the current state is a sufficient statistic of the future, and history does not matter.
This will prove to be a key property in Reinforcement Learning, and it will be useful in many scenarios in the book. But what happens when the markov property does not hold?
The class of partially-observable environments do not have the Markov property. Here, the agent indirectly observes the environment, meaning it may not have all information that is needed to know what happens next. Now, \(S_t^a \neq S_t^e\). Since history is now important to predict the future, the agent must construct its own state representation \(S_t^a\). For example:
Complete history: \(S_t^a = H_t = (O_0, O_1, \dotsc, O_t)\)
Beliefs of environment state: \(S_t^a = (\mathbb{P}[S_t^e = s^{(1)}], \dotsc,\mathbb{P}[S_t^e = s^{(n)}])\)
Recurrent Neural Network: \(S_t^a = \sigma(S_{t-1}^a W_s + O_t W_o))\)
Here, \(O_t\) is the observed state at time \(t\). These problems are typically much more difficult to solve, since the Markov property cannot be exploited.
Example 3
Imagine we have the following process. There exists a dark vase with three balls. One is red, one is green, and one is blue. Every \(t\), we take a ball out without replacement. Does this environment have the Markov property? Why or why not?
Reveal answer
This is a non-Markovian stochastic process. Recall that the markov property comes down to
Here, \(X_t\) is the colour of the ball at time \(t\). Imagine we have the order \(X_0 = \) red, \(X_1 = \) green, and \(X_2 = \) blue.
Let’s first think about \(\mathbb{P}(X_2 | X_1)\). If we only know that \(X_1\) is green, what do we know about \(X_{2}\)? We know the \(X_2\) must be either blue or green.
However, \(\mathbb{P}(X_{t+1} | X_0, ..., X_t)\) means we know that both \(X_0\) is red and \(X_1\) is green. Hence, \(X_2\) must be blue.
We now see that here \(\mathbb{P}(X_{t+1} | X_t) \neq \mathbb{P}(X_{t+1} | X_0, ..., X_t)\). Hence, the Markov property does not hold for this stochastic process.
This type of environment would actually be partially-observable, since we agent cannot directly observe the underlying state. Instead, we must maintain a probability distribution of different observations given the underlying state.
Example 4
Is the game of Poker a fully- or partially-observable environment?
Reveal answer
Poker is partially-observable, since each player can only see their own cards. This means that we don’t really know which state of the game we are in. Full observability would require knowledge about every player’s cards.
A large part of the game is trying to estimate the quality of other players’ cards. You can see partial observability makes the game a lot more difficult to play. A good agent would thus need to create good estimates of the environment states (for example by predicting other players’ card qualities) to perform well.
Components of a Reinforcement Learning Agent¶
An RL agent may include one or more of these components:
Policy: agent’s behaviour function
Value function: how good is each state and/or action
Model: agent’s representation of the environment
A policy describes the agent’s behavior. It maps states to actions. You can have deterministic (\(a = \pi(s)\)) and stochastic policies (\(\pi(a | s) = \mathbb{P}(A_t = a | S_t = s)\)). Often, \(\pi\) is used to denote a policy.
A value function is a prediction of future reward of a given state. You can use it to determine if a state is good or bad. This means you can use it to select actions. It can be computed by \(v_\pi(s) = \mathbb{E}_\pi(G_t | S_t = s)\), where \(G_t\) is the return (or discounted cumulative reward). The return is defined as \(G_t = R_1 + \gamma R_2 + \gamma^2 R_3 + ... = \sum_{i=t+1}^\infty\gamma^{i-t-1}R_i\) for some \(\gamma \in [0, 1]\). This gamma is the discount factor, and it influences how much the future impacts return. This is useful, since it is not known if the representation of the environment is perfect. If it is not, it is not good to let the future influence the return as much as more local states. So, it is discounted.
Finally, a model predicts what the environment will do next. We let \(P_{ss'}^a = \mathbb{P}(S_{t+1} = s' | S_t = s, A_t = a)\) and \(R_{s}^a = \mathbb{P}(R_{t+1} | S_t = s, A_t = a)\). \(P\) (Transition model) is the probability of transitioning to a next state given an action, while R is the reward when taking an action in some state.
Category |
Properties |
Value based |
No Policy (implicit), Value function |
Policy based |
Policy, No Value function |
Actor Critic |
Policy, Value function |
Model Free |
No Model of the environment |
Model based |
Model of the environment |
RL Agents can be categorized into the categories that are listed in Table 2. These can require different approaches that will be discussed throughout the book.
There are two fundamental problems in sequential decision making.
Reinforcement Learning
The environment is initially unknown
The agent interacts with the environment
The agent improves its policy
Planning (e.g. deliberation, reasoning, introspection, pondering, thought, search)
A model of the environment is known
The agent performs computations with its model (without any external interaction)
The agent improves its policy
It is important for an agent to make a trade-off between exploration and exploitation as well. Depending on the choice in this trade-off, agents will be more or less flexible and may or may not find better actions to perform.
Exploration finds more information about the environment
Exploitation exploits known information to maximize reward
Finally, it is possible to differentiate between prediction and control. Prediction is about evaluating the future given a certain policy, while control is about finding the best policy to optimize the future.